Sunday 12 October 2008

Into the final lap...

This is the start of what will probably be the most stressful week I'm likely to have for at least three months!! In a couple of hours I'm off to a dress rehearsal for the Mostly Mozart concert which takes place next Sunday, tonight I am token adult in the room for the Youth Fellowship and will be starting to write evaluations for my forward plans which are due in on Friday, I have also to write comments on all of my pupils as the Parents Consultations are this week on Wednesday and Thursday, I have a dress rehearsal for the play I am in which goes on next Monday, and I still don't know all my words! I'm doing front of house on Thursday and Friday for Biggar Little Festival events, The Festival Service is on Sunday, Alistair is away examining in Malta for the weekend and I'm meeting up with a pal from Falkirk on Friday after work for a few hours. The house, as they say, will have to go hang, along with the laundry and everything else that would usually get done!!! My main freak out is having to do one of the songs for the Mozart in Italian, not coping very well with that at all! Thankfully it's a workshop production and we will be able to have our words onstage! Not so lucky for the play tho' have to get it all learned and pronto! However not stressing as much as I have the Monday off and can sit and chill over it with many cups of coffee! Debbie and I have a plan to have lunch and word bash if we need it - mind you, we can both ad lib like fury so maybe it won't be sooooo bad, as long as we get the bits with everyone else right and don't throw others off the stott we'll be fine! You would think I would know better than to allow myself to get caught up in all this in the same week, but when it is all first suggested you have what seems to be so long to get on top of it all you think it will be relatively simple to organise. Then, of course, life jumps up and bites you in the bum! Ho hum! So, better get off and get on with the domestic duties before I trundle off up to the theatre and plough unceremoniously through my paces! How I remain the size I am I cannot understand!!! If there was any justice in the world I should be a size 10!!!!! The other side of that coin is - how big would I be if I didn't do all this stuff?????? Scary!!!!
Til next time!

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