Saturday 18 October 2008

All becomes clear!!

So why did I ask for help on the dog snarls? Cos it was worrying me! That's why! But all has become clear! A buddy has a cute, slobbery dog icon for her instant message and when she's online the dog announces it's presence every so often with a growl, snarl or rumble. As I don't always have sound on, or the buddy screen up I was not aware of this, however as her land line is fork lift trucked, to use her description, we just had a wee IM chat and as I'm listening to music in the background the sound is on (that's how I heard it all in the first place) and during our chat the dawg slobbered, whined, panted and generally did doggy things! I myself have a cute pink poodle that speaks french! It has a shrill heelllooooooo! followed by what sounds suspiciously like a fart, I have tried to edit the sound but it wan't go away, however I am assured that even though I clearly hear this farting sound it does not seem to transfer through the ether and manifest audibly on my chat partner's pc!!! That's a relief! I can go and clean the kitchen now!
Till next time

1 comment:

Jenny G said...

Mum, it has become clear that you need sectioned...