Wednesday 22 October 2008

And the band played on....

Having a fun time in the house! Made bread today and soup and generally did all things sort of domestic. Still to complete the laundry but am going off to look at steam presses with a view to making much lighter work of the ironing!! I live in hope eternal!
Had Junior workshop tonight and it was great fun. Had people who would not normally be actually, physically, involved, acting out the parts of the King of Siam and Mrs. Anna and some of the Wives!! Thank you guys! (you know who you are!) The kids loved it and were much better at what I was asking them to do because they had this very valuable assistance. Then had an in depth chat with the Director of the Senior section about where we need to be going in our planning and sorting out of expectations and so on - very informative and useful! all in all a rather pleasant day.
Pal Mags came over for lunch and a chat (hence the bread and soup making!) and it was totally magic just to sit and catch up on the doings of our busy lives. We don't see each other nearly half as much as we want to - this working for a living has a lot to answer for!
So, I'm off now to watch the tail end of Heroes - a programme I've not seen since the end of the first season and now wish I had kept up with and then will settle down to the totally frothy and delightful mental chewing gum that is Desperate Housewives. Why do I like it? I don't know, it's just pure (or otherwise) escapism and in this climate, an escape is a welcome diversion.
Till next time!

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