Tuesday 30 September 2008

What a week....

29 August 2007
22:33:22 o'clock BST Feeling Frustrated Hearing nothing - no time to turn on the CD player...

Well that's us well into the second week and it's been hell on legs!!!! The kids are looking for challenging work and the parents are bound to be wondering when the homework will come home and the reading isn't getting done enough and the maths setting doesn't start till next week and I have just written up all the meetings I have to attend over the next year and blimey!!! I don't know how I'm ever going to fit it all in! I am expected to produce a forward plan by Friday and at time of writing am not actually sure if I'd recognise one if somebody slapped me with it. Blank copies of these shy and extremely rare items are as hard to spot as Giant Pandas in the wild. And still they say, smilingly, "don't worry so much, it'll all fall into place soon!" that's if I don't fall into a state of despair first! Have found myself leaving the house just after 7 in the morning to get in and get as much done before the kids get in and staying til all hours to continue getting things done. Have managed two 12 hours shifts so far this week!!! Not getting in till after 7pm means I'm past eating and as a result I seem to be losing a bit of weight - every cloud..... and let's not think about the hours I put in up on the laptop when I do get in!!
Going to have to watch my writing, I feel as if all I do is moan and complain about the job - I do like the teaching the children part but I much prefer to be properly organised and the lack of timetable and forward plans is making me jittery! I would like to write about the funny things that happen, but I'm a bit too stressed to recall any of them at the moment - no doubt I will be filling this blog with anecdotes before too long (she said hopefully!) Have two meetings in the morning - one with my mentor and one with learning support so with a bit of luck tomorrow will be sorted and the forward plan that is due in on Friday will be somewhere near completion!
Would love to stay and chat but I really don't have the time and feel I should be upstairs trawling through the diary and looking for resources for tomorrow, so I'll cut you lose just now and catch you on the flip side, as they say.....
Till next time...

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