Tuesday 30 September 2008

Back at last.....

27 January 200818:43:55 o'clock GMT Feeling Quiet

Forgive me readers, it has been some cosiderable time since my last blog. No real excuse but that I have been terribly busy and have not had the luxury of time to spend disgorging my innermost thoughts onto a screen. You would not have been interested anyhow - they mainly consisted of mental meanderings, maniacally mithering about school stuff and how to get my life firmly back in hand. November and December vanished in a blur of activity. DH went off to Malta to do an exam tour the same week as the panto (that was fun but exhausting!) and so we thought we'd get lots done. Big joke! The Chrissie decorations didn't get thrown up till nigh on the 18th and even then a lot remained in the boxes - just the trees and a few other bits. Laundry, the major bane in my life, mounted to a frightening degree and is still a source of deep concern. The length of time a wash cycle takes is totally ridiculous, I mean, I should be able to rattle at least three loads in an evening, but am only actually managing to get one or if I'm lucky two done at a time. This means the backlog is never really getting cleared. Boring I know but this is one of the things that rambles around inside my head and effectively prevents me from doing other things - sad I know but that's me! Having a fairly hefty bout of not being too well exacerbated the whole 'not getting things done' bit and after Boxing Day I sort of lay about feeling sorry for myself and totally unmotivated to do anything remotely energetic. New Year was a wash out and I was in bed by 11.15 and knew nothing till around 9am on the 1st of January 2008 (Happy New Year by the way!) Back to school and I stepped back onto the treadmill that is the life of a teacher. Remind me, someone, I wanted to be a teacher, why? Time is flying by and I need to get myself up to speed and making some sort of mark on my probation year so that when the jobs come up I am in with a shout of at least one.... trouble is it's so busy keeping up with the basics that extras are viewed with a jaundiced eye!
All that notwithstanding, I have been making small gains in the target achievement stakes. Finally got the dining room decorated and the new curtains, blind and light shades put up. My wee workspace room is still like a tip and is still used as a gathering/dumping ground for all and anything. This makes for interesting resouce finding, I know I have books and things in there -I just can't get to them!!! I should have been doing more clearing and bin bag filling for the tip last weekend but I had a really bad chest infection and had to get the antibios from the doc. Luckily I got them in time to nip the worst of it in the bud and though I've been left with a horrid cough and bunged up nose that is taking time to clear, I didn't have to have 2 weeks off work, which would have been the normal course if I hadn't recognised my symptoms and warded them off. As it was I worked from home on the Wed afternoon and spent the Sat and Sun in bed having a very lazy time.
Needs must and time waits for no man. I have an observed science lesson tomorrow morning and need to go and prepare something fairly spectacular for the class - I should be so lucky! Invertebrates and I have no notion about what to teach. The lesson plans tell me nothing and I have been spectaculary unsuccessful in finding any progressive stuff on the internet. So I'm off to the books and photocopier with a hopeful heart!
I'll try not to leave it so long next time.

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