Tuesday 30 September 2008

Goin' on a job hunt...

17 March 200818:05:32 o'clock GMT Feeling Anxious Hearing Songs from the shows

Well, that's it started - the hunt for Red October has nothing on the hunt for a teaching job! There are hundreds of probationers out there all looking for jobs and there are very few jobs going. Why the powers that be feel this constant need to train new teachers is beyond me and other proabtioners I have spoken to - and that's more than just one or two! Competition is tough and only the outstanding candidates are going to be successful - well that lets me out... I had my bulk interview the other day - the council have to interview all the probationers working in their authority - and while I think I answered the questions quite well, I'm not convinced I would have been outstanding! With a bit of luck and a tail wind I may manage to land a supply job - not ideal but better than a poke in the eyes with a sharp stick! I'm not at the stage of trawling the internet yet but once I go on spring break next week I may very well spend and hour or so looking online to see if any jobs are coming up. Quite enjoying working away from South Lanarkshire - I don't bump into the kids in the Co op and I can be me at Church and Workshop and not 'Miss'. Though truth be told the travelling is starting to get on my nerves and the cost of fuel for my big bus is making large inroads into my salary.
Feeling shattered this week as it's getting close to the hols. Last week was a real treadmill - final rehearsals for the workshop show and Dress Rehearsal and perfomances for the School Show! No wonder I feel like a dish rag! The house looks like a bomb site and the girls are hard at work studying for exams - hence the housework not having much importance these days. I can see I'm going to be spending my two weeks holiday cleaning this pit of a house. Not such a terrible thing mind you - as the girls will be at school and DH will be at work I will have the house to myself and therefore will be able to chunter through the rooms one at a time and clear the junk into black bags which I will then take to the tip!! And who knows? I may even manage to get it all done and get more of the attic cleared!!! Fun and frolic aplenty! Who says life is boring?
No time to blether further - gotta get going and get dinner started and then get my hurdies up to the theatre to get the foyer tidied up and get rid of the extra stuff that's lying around. Floor gets painted tomorrow night and first night is Wednesday - lots to do and not much time left to do it in!
Till next time

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