Tuesday 30 September 2008

Chop, chop, busy, busy, work, work, bang, bang!

21 November 2007
23:29:15 o'clock GMT Feeling Silly Hearing A variety of stuff but mostly Josh!!

It's just as I suspected - life doesn't get easier after the October week! It just gets more frantic! They lied!!!!!!!! Had the parents consultations and they were fine except for one parent who decided that I was resposible for the child's neuroses. Yes plural!! Sadly the childs' problems stem from the parent who is as neurotic as they come. Considering the child has been like this since it started school I found it a little hard to swallow my alleged responsibility! However, the HT and PT both agreed the parent was well out of order and basically a nutter who could be safely smiled at while making soothing noises. Honestly, when will these younger generation parents wake up and smell the coffee? If you have kids it is your responsibility to bring them up, teach them manners, respect for other people and other people's belongings. It is your job to explain that when they come to school they are to sit and behave, to be quiet when expected and to get the head down and get on with the learning. Instead we get children who sit there telling us they really don't feel like doing this page of maths and they are so sorry but they don't have time to do homework as they have 'activities' after school most evenings and can't fit the homework in. When the parents arrive at parents night and tell you the same thing, you begin to see the pattern.... Evey child, it seems, is a sensitive soul whose needs must be met individually by the staff in the school. Don't ever shout at the children, not even to get their attention when the class is talking a mile a minute as they come in first thing in the morning, as junior takes things sooooooo much to heart and then spends the evenings sobbing into a pillow, cut to the very quick that anyone should speak sharply to them or cross them in any way. These are the children who have every latest toy, gadget, DVD, playstation game, X-Box and Wii game consoles, bikes and every other popular kiddy thing that is on the go. Yet when they open their state of the art, triple-decker, pencil cases and look amongst the felt tips and compasses they don't have an ordinary pencil, rubber or sharpener to use in class to get through the work. Thirty two children in one room all day can get tiring The marking of their work gets mind-numbing. Preparing lessons that they don't listen to is depressing, but we get there. Perhaps the government should be spending a bit of time training parents to parent properly. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but when my kids came home from school and said the teacher had ticked them off for something, my first reaction was generally "you must have deserved it". Never, "how dare they speak to you like that, I'll have them sorted out!" and until the parents regain some modicum of control and proper balance and perspective within the adult/child balance of relationship, kids are going to be very unhappy for a very long time. They need to learn to be part of a group and to get on with everyone else, at least on some level, instead of the egocentric, selfish, self-serving monsters that are sitting in schools all over the country.
Rant over, feeling better now but tired. Going to bed.Till next time...

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