Thursday 25 December 2008

Drunken Deep-fried Rodent to you!

Or Merry Crisp Mouse if you prefer... Yes it's Christmas morn, and here I sit blogging. Have I nothing better to do? Like go to bed? Well, yes, probably but the old brain is whirling at ninety miles an hour. Didn't get to the Christingle service at half past six 'cos had too much to do and nearly didn't get to the Midnight service for the same reason. However, I did go, met an old pal from twenty odd years ago that I meet in our church at Christmas or Easter from time to time - (his Dad was the minister who joined Alistair and I in Holy whatsit) he visits his Mum and comes to Church with her sometimes and we have a ten minute catch-up. Patrick taught me the pick for Neil Young's 'Needle and The Damage Done' - the only guitar pick I have ever really been able to play!! So.... Jennifer and I came home and battered through the remaining tasks and brought a certain person's Christmas gift in from it's hiding place and then she went off to bed and I'm sitting here, hungry and in the mood for a large sherry! Still thinking about all the things I had planned to have done before going to bed tonight and considering how early I will have to get up to actually get them done before Tom, Susan and Sarah, and Mum and Paul arrive. And I want to go to the ten o'clock service too - this will be Jim's last Christmas morning service, he's leaving our parish and going off to pastures new, and boy will we miss him! Sad, sad, sad. Yet glad for him and the family as they are off to do things and go places they will enjoy.
I suppose I should go and get to bed now, maybe I will have a sherry and an oatcake or a hunk of chocolate.... now I know how Santa feels, it's all very stressful and I fully understand the need to eat to keep your strength up.....
A joyful and peaceful Festive season to you and God bless us, everyone.
Till next time...

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