Friday 12 December 2008

Sorry, trying to get a grip....

I don't know what has come over me recently. All this percussion and bashing away on humungous drum kits.... maybe it's my latent aggression looking for an outlet. Or maybe I'm in need of lots of loud rhythmic noise, or perhaps I've been sucked into the drumfest that is titupping about on the periphery of my blog! (you know who you are!) Anyhow I feel the need to reclaim my mojo and turn once again to the magic of the human voice - not that there's been a lot magical about mine or some of my nearest and dearest over the past few days. We've all got the dreaded lurgy and, as previously mentioned, the cast of our Christmas Revue have been very much under the weather as well. This would be fine if we had planned to sing selections from Lee Marvins' Greatest Hits, as it is, we are groaning and droning in the lower ranges like good 'uns and breathily squeaking and whistling our way through the high passages!
So.... one down and two to go! The school show was today and went off very well, thankfully, after the event I showed them the start of 'A Christmas Carol' - completely in keeping with the theme as we are doing Victorians as our topic and our Christmas show had been based around Scrooge and Dr. Barnardo - all very ACfE doncha know? They'll get to see the rest next week. Two more performances of the Revue and then Sunday is the Dress Rehearsal for the Sunday Club Nativity. And I wonder why I am so jiggered? A week left in school and the Forward Plans are still to be written - I don't need a crystal ball to see a few late nights next week!
Still got the Chrissy Decos to put up - one tree is trimmed and operational, (thank you girls!) the rest and the other tree aren't even out of the boxes yet! I had planned to get it all done before the onslaught of the Festive stuff began but as usual the gremlins showed up and life resorted to it's normal pace - running to stand still.
Edinburgh tomorrow for lunch with friend Ruth and then Livingston on Sunday to meet up with other friend Liz for coffee and last minute bits a bobs shopping.
Off now to get a load into the washing machine.
Bah Humbug!
Till next time...

1 comment:

David Cochrane said...

Gotta say, Mrs. Gillespie, you do have a wonderful taste in drummers. All you need is John Bonham, Ian Paice and Keith Moon and you've pretty much covered the classic rockers.