Monday 15 December 2008

Finally lost it....

It's official - I have finally dropped the scone, lost the tattie, come to the end of my rope! Have had a major senior moment of staggering proportions. Thought I'd just mistakenly lifted a card or two from my hand deliver pile when I went to post the Chrissie cards last week, turns out (when I went looking for the rest to hand deliver) I've put the whole lot in the post box! Some haven't even got a full address on, just a name and a town!! if that!! All, however have a 'from' address sticker on them so I can expect a hefty bunch of cards being returned over the next wee while, as folks go to pick up the postal item that needs to be paid for (£1.27 - scandal!) and decide not to and they send 'em back! Trouble is I don't know quite what to do about it all. Do I send/deliver another card to them all or do I leave well alone and simply apologise profusely when I see them? Or put a note in with next year's cards? Thoughts and suggestions gratefully received. Many people think I'm batty as it is - this will simply confirm it for them.....
Had a busy weekend what with trips to Edinburgh and Livingston on top of the final two nights of the Christmas Revue, dress rehearsal for the Sunday Club Nativity and a pile of work for school into the bargain. not to mention the amount of housework not getting done - I said not to mention it! Feeling very tired and wishing it were the end of the week so that I could get a long lie and not have to set the alarm for anything like 6 o'clock. Have lost my twitter thing and will have to try and save it somewhere again, didn't manage to get it work off the mobile phone so no idea what I've done wrong or just not done! Anyhooooo, orft I jolly well go,
Till next time.

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