Sunday 7 December 2008

An oasis of calm.

And how long will that last I wonder? I've been up for about two hours and have paddled about being completely ineffective. We have a dress rehearsal today and my cunning plan is to take all my Christmas cards with me and write them, I'm not on till the very end of the second half so, no pressure then! At least I will have completed one of the things on my 'to do' list. I think I finished my Christmas Shopping yesterday. If there is anything else still to get I'm in Edinurgh on Saturday for a short while, meeting my friend Ruth for a 'between our birthdays lunch' as we can't get together on either date. I'll go in by bus and have a fast prowl around before meeting her and then get the bus home in time for the last night of the Revue and then collapse in a quietly gibbering heap into my bed. Or I may be as drunk as a skunk - who knows?!
Did all the wreath deliveries and had a very pleasant time sauntering about Livingston Centre with Mum and bruv, we were focused and planned the foray well, moving from one shop to the next in a measured manner, not racing, just taking it steady and maintaining a zen-like patience when we had to stand in impressively long queues to pay for the 99p packet of gift tags we had decided to purchase. I am still not convinced about shopping on-line; I like to see and handle (well, somtimes!) what I am considering buying before I take it to the till, when I order on-line I am in a vacuum until it arrives, or doesn't as one particular thing hasn't yet. I have sent the obligatory email asking for confirmation of the order and an ETA but so far, no good. As this involves an item for one of the girls I'll say no more here just now, but there may be rantings later in the month - you have been warned!
So, I had better go and print my address labels for the cards and sing loudly at the girls to get them out of bed (some hope!). Have a lovely Sunday, don't stress too hard!
Till next time.

1 comment:

David Cochrane said...

I would love to see 'a fast prowl'. I have this great image in my head...