Thursday 1 January 2009

and a Happy New Year....

Two o'clock in the morning and here I sit trying to type correctly after a half a bottle of Baileys and three glasses of wine. No party, just a heavy session watching the second series of Desperate Housewives and having to make the very difficult decision not to start watching series three until tomorrow!! Went up to the bonfire for a short whiley and supported the Biggar Big Bang Samba Band!! It was okay but truly once you've seen/been at the bonfire you've seen/been at the bonfire and there's not much else to do once it's been lit! It's a great tourist attraction and it's great to take visitors up to watch, if you have some, mainly because they can't believe the size of it and that it's so close to the buildings, and yet nothing gets burnt down! Mind you, every year we say, " Gosh, look at the size of that! They'll never be allowed to light it at that height, the police will make them take some off." But the police never do and every year this two storey sized pile of wood, old pallets and assorted flammable crap is built in the car park in front of the Corn Exchange and set alight shortly after 9pm on Hogmany, attended by, at times over a thousand people!! It's even been on the telly!! Fun and frolic, frazzle yer front while you freeze yer bum! Ain't that the way with fires? Anyhoo, going off to bed now to have a long sleep so I can get up in the morning and watch the next series of DH before I go back to school on Monday!
To all who peruse these meanderings, a Peaceful and prosperous New Year and may it bring you all you wish for yourself, and more.
Till next time.

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