Monday 2 February 2009

Winter warmers.

It's been a pretty horrid time; this past few weeks. First the car passing over and then the sad realisation that I would need to join in the bulk interviews in order to even get a sniff at a job and open up the possibility of actually having regular money coming in on a full time basis. This would then permit me to perhaps indulge myself in the purchase of a new (or new to me!) mode of transport and further facilitate my continued progress in the workforce!
In the meantime we have been out and about and looking at cars (because even though I can't afford to buy one, I still need one to get to work in!) finally settled on a Fiat Panda and once I have a job, and Jen turns seventeen and passes her test (and actually needs a car to get to Uni or wherever) then it will become her little gadabout. Credit crunch strikes again and we have had to buy it outright instead of arranging finance - so much for the banks supposedly being back in the business of giving loans! HA! So that puts a bit of a crimp in the holiday plans. Unless I can get a full time permanent job we will probably not be able to afford to go away this year. However - positive reframing tool in hand - this might not be such a bad thing, there are lots of bits and bobs needing done around the house - bits of decorating and clearing out and re-arranging that could be done over the seven weeks break. And as we plan to go over to S.A. next year it would be a good idea to get the house ship shape when we have the chance!
So.... that's a wee catch up, I'm off now to watch a movie and have a glass of red - after all it is very likely that there is to be a very heavy fall of snow tonight and I possibly won't be going to school tomorrow so it's out with the wine and chocolate and feet up in front of a DVD!
Till next time!

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