Friday 13 February 2009

Holiday Weekend?

I should co co! Holiday? As much chance of that as there is of sprouting wings and flying. So much to do - so little time in which to do it. Friends coming up from Bury for the weekend, others descending upon us en masse on Saturday night for food and frolicsome Wii fun. And I have to go out tonight to see a production of Oliver over in Motherwell, a trip I really could do without! However, friend's daughter is in it playing the part I once played so maybe it won't be too bad. However this is not my favourite musical by any means. The King and I isn't either these days. Lots of work still to be done and the opening night is less than 4 weeks away. I get a bit annoyed when basic stuff is neglected, like what curtains we will need and where we will get them from, what lights we are going to use, and a whole plethora of other things that were discussed way back but have not actually been actioned.This, of course, is the trouble with doing things with so many chiefs. While it's not really a case of 'somebody else will do it' there is a slight tinge of 'well I said I would need it' with a large inference of 'why has nobody organised this?' I can understand the reservations the youth leader had initially (especially as a lot of them are coming home to roost) but I'll be damned if I will allow it all to crumble thereby giving her or anyone else the opportunity to say 'I told you so!'
As a result am finding myself taking on more and more bits and pieces to try and paper over the cracks that are appearing which is not good for my blood pressure. And let's not even think about the cast member who, having not been at any of my rehearsals, eventually turned up and then began asking unnecessary questions, thereby losing a good ten minutes of my precious rehearsal time! A not entirely tongue-in-cheek comment was thrown out at the first Production meeting, that the Seniors would have to up their game to be on a par with the Junior and Youth sections. Sadly this comment is an unfortunate reality. Less than four weeks to go and scripts are not learned, blocking not integrated and the pressure keeps building.
I've always been a calm sort of person but this is really pushing my buttons. Having to keep a very tight grip on the temper, fastening on the rictus smile, swallowing the antacid like sweeties and trying to get through this. And I said I would be doing the Panto this year? My God, they won't know what's hit them!

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