Sunday 4 October 2009

Oktober-festers more like...

Eugh! Weather is practically bi-polar, one day lovely and sunny, the next gale force winds and monsoon type rain. Still no work and none of my applications coming up with anything positive. Have started the rehearsals for the Juniors' show and have it cast. Now just need to sort out the dates for the performances and make sure everyone is able to be there and then it's onwards and upwards!!
Our Biggar Little Festival week is almost upon us and I'm now back against the wall trying frantically to learn songwords for Mostly Musicals and script for Biggar Shorts. No matter how much time I try to give myself for these tasks, I always end up at the last gasp, giving my ulcers, ulcers in a vain attempt to at least appear in control of the situation...
House is still like a squat - have pushed vacuum about a bit but need to get stuff shifted and either dumped or put away. I suppose I ought to have spent the time out of work getting the house sorted out, but the advent of the Corn Exchange refurbishment knocked that on the head. We have till the 7th Nov to get every stick and scrap out, either to the dump or to storage. I must say it is immensely satisfying to see the order created from the chaos it was, but I can forsee future moans and groans as people realise just how much stuff we had to get rid of. I mean we only have two storage units and we have all the lights and tech equipment still to pack up, not to mention the scenery, curtains and props. In contrast, the house will be here when I'm not!!
Have an evening service to participate in tonight so I'd best be off and get the guitar out of mothballs.. suppose I'd better cut my nails too.....
Till next time,

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