Wednesday 2 September 2009

Yah Boo Sucks!

There, that's just how I feel today! Getting fed up with the continuing lack of a job, but now hoping to get a crack at one or two in yet another Local Authority! Started filling in Application forms yesterday and had to stop at midnight as the eyes were giving up! Talk about complicated!! Some of the questions were sensible and straightforward and some were just evil - I don't see how you can answer the question about why you think you are suited to the job fully and then answer a question about what qualities you will bring to the job without duplicating information. They even give you a space to give any relevant further personal information that you may not have mentioned anywhere else!!!! Talk about overkill? Anyway, I have till the 14th to get the applications in so am having a short break off the brain busting to see if things clarify and gel in my brain before I go back and compose my final answers.
Missed the chance of going to Edinburgh and listening to another concert today as was in with a chance of a supply post - unfortunately I didn't have the Special Needs experience wanted.... so it's just keep on trying!
Will spend the day gathering books and old videos for a Tearfund Coffee Morning which is taking place this Saturday and in doing so will clear my lounge of stuff and generally make things neat and tidy - well that's the plan anyway!
Built my Ikea CD tower and started to fill it - blimey I have a lot of CDs! I think I may even need another one to put them all in! The DVDs are going to go onto the bookshelves that I am clearing out - so there will also be a few DVD racks going to the Coffee Morning sale unless anyone wants them - I have 4!! On that note, maybe I should go back into Twitter and make that known..... Hmmmm.........
Till next time.

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