Thursday 5 March 2009

Being a busy bunny!

It has been a while since my last blog. It's not because I can't be bothered, or that I've sold my soul to Twitter, or even because I have succumbed and signed on for Facebook (still don't get it!) but because life has been terrible insistent on my playing the game and doing stuff that I said I would do. Now those chickens are coming home to roost! The Am Dram game is getting nothing short of frenetic what with all factions of the Workshop finally coming together to join up the dots in our combined production of The King and I. Not only but also have been making costumes, props and a backdrop, am now 'heid prompt' and additional singer in the chorus (from the prompt pit!) Oh it's a tight ship we run - multi-tasking like fury! Not quite having to climb into a costume and tread the boards yet, but very wary of the prospect... However, this time next week we'll have only two performances left to do and then it will be all over!!! Friends of mine with bags of practical and technical know-how, will be spitting jaggy feathers to see the back of it. Mind you, I'm hoping they'll not run away screaming too far, as I'm kind of going to want to pick their brains for my forthcoming Panto at the end of the year! (My hat is off to them - they know who they are - 'cos they've had a lot to put up with!)
All this notwithstanding, I have an interview on Monday. Before you all yahoo in deep joy and delight at the possibility that I might be getting nearer to a job, let me stop you right there - this is the bulk interview, where all the probationers from this year, all the requested transfers and all of last years probationers who didn't get a job get trotted out and looked over once again, for 'some jobs in various locations in August' As there will probably be around 200 staff chasing what might only be a dozen or so jobs, I'm not holding out much hope! Strangely enough, the Council are still advertising for Teachers to relocate to the area, with packages and money and stuff to sweeten the offer - why? Dear Lord, why? If they haven't got jobs for those of us who already there, where will they get the jobs for incoming workers?
Oh, I really think it's time I went. I'm so tired I could drop off as I type!! Maybe once the show is past I'll get back to dropping a line in a bit more often!
Till next time.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

Now you get to hit the gong!!!!!