Tuesday 16 March 2010

All downhill till Easter...

Well here we are, the weather has decided to pick up a wee bit and there was actual sunshine over the weekend!! Yes! There were people out in open topped cars, riding horses, cycling, walking dogs without wearing coats (that's the walkers, not the dogs...) and all sorts of malarkey! My current contract draws to a close on the 1st of April and I'm living in hope of something coming up for the next term. I've been for the first of my two interviews - made a bit of a fist of a couple of the questions, I now believe there is such a thing as studying too much for something - I think I was concentrating too much on trying to recall my notes instead of just answering the questions!! Point made and taken, thank you! Tomorrow is the second and I'm off now to have a last read over of my notes and then I'm off to do some Workshop admin and poster making and have a wee glass of wine and then off to bed. Will report back later in the week, hopefully with some good tidings....
Till next time!

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