Tuesday 23 February 2010

Once more into the breach....

Well that's the second application form this week! Yes peeps! It's that time of year again. Every NQT, supply teacher and part-timer will be on their mettle for the next few weeks! This is almost as regular as the lambing season; every February/March cometh the 'Bulk Interviews' (West Lothian) or the 'Round Robin' (South Lanarkshire) where the teaching sorority goes into a frenzy of form filling, trying to write something spectacular. Attention grabbing headlines on a boring On-line form are not easy to manufacture but still we try, in the desperate hope that this year, maybe this year we'll be one of the successful ones, one of the ones who actually get given a job that isn't a temporary contract or Maternity cover. Doing a Mat cover in the school I'm in at the mo' is not a bad thing as the Headie is one of the application form considerers, she's helping sort the wheat from the chaff and if I don't get an interview it won't be for lack of trying!!! The Depute checked over my form, as did my ex- Headie from my previous school and both declared it a good form, coupled with the rather super (if I say so myself!) Headteacher's Report that the Headie gave me should hopefully get me a chance to sparkle in person and hypnotise them into giving me a permanent post contract in a smashing school with no behavioural difficulties and a pupil base of angels who want nothing more than to hang on my every word as if they were pearls of wisdom, while they work hard at being the best class in the Universe.... well I can dream can't I? Have also completed one for my Local Authority who have at last lifted the Recruitment Freeze and are looking for Supply staff. Mind you, I'm not daft, if I were to be offered a post in my current Authority then I would definitely take it - in this jobs climate one can't be too choosy!! However, getting onto the Supply list makes me eligible to apply for any permanent posts that come up in the future, so here's hoping!
Speaking of climate; it's not been as snowy as I'd expected. The forecast keeps saying it's gong to be a white out but although the frost is doing it's stuff every morning and nice and crisp it is too, the snow has not really made much of an appearance this past week. Note well my friends, now that I have said there is no snow you can practically guarantee the blasted stuff will be all over the place by morning.... Perhaps the Spring will soon come around and we'll have daffies nodding their pretty yellow heads all over the verges.
Funny how much I find I miss typing stuff. I would love to be able to write a book but that would require a plot and a beginning, middle and end. The creative writing course I did with the O.U. was great fun and fairly got the creative juices flowing but as happens, life takes over and the reality of why I was working for a degree jumped on it and squashed it flat. I have three or four notebooks with ideas, phrases, titles, characters and setting jotted down in them. Not in any particular order, they're not the bones of an epic tale or anything remotely organised like that. I love pomes. I use that word as I don't think my doggerel can really expect to be called poetry. Some of them I am quite chuffed with, others probably need a years' work just to be readable. Never a great fan of the Haiku with it's seventeen syllables I had a bash at some. Wrote a couple of contrived poems from given titles then, creatively and independently, I did one I was quite proud of with a rhyme sequence on the third lines, the name of this format escapes me for the moment, I recall having it described by a tutor and realising that I had written one without really knowing that it was a specific poetic form!! Was I chuffed? You bet your little pink bootees I was! Maybe one day I'll go and dig out my verse and publish it all here. That'll sort out the men from the boys, we'll soon see who can stick it out and who says "The hell with it, I'm off...." I would like to think that one day I will sit down and have a crack at a wee novello or maybe a few short stories. Along with the painting that I've put on the back burner since taking up teaching and the Cross-stitch I never got back to, perhaps when I eventually retire I will myself trying to fit in so many hobbies that I will give up and just spend my life Twittering, Blogging and watching re-runs of Dr. Who and True Blood. (the sublime to the ridiculous) on the telly. Joking apart, I've always promised myself that I'd re-write the scripts I created for the Junior Workshop as children's books and possibly self illustrate them too; who knows, maybe one day. In the meantime I'll keep buying the Euro Millions Lottery tickets when it's a Rollover week and give my mind a wee treat imagining what I'd do if my numbers came up.......
I suppose I should go and get myself off to bed now, it has been a long day and I am somewhat knackered. Early start and hair to wash in the morning so it makes sense not to sit here any longer. So, better shift it then....
Till next time,

1 comment:

David Cochrane said...

"Note well my friends, now that I have said there is no snow you can practically guarantee the blasted stuff will be all over the place by morning...."