Could this weekend get any worse? Got hee haw done on Saturday, spent today doing all things Sunday Club (Nativity and Christmas Party) came home and sat down for ten minutes to have a coffee and catch my breath, woke up at half past four and the day just spiralled downwards from then. Finally went and got the white tree out to put up in the dining room only to discover (or not as the case might be) that the stand is/was missing! Where in the world can it be? We have absolutely no idea. The gremlins are clearly visiting us this week as things keep vanishing and then turning up in the oddest places; keys, books, mugs, letters, or maybe we have a poltergeist?! Victoria and I have searched through every box that houses Christmas decorations and even the Halloween box, just in case, but to no avail. I have spent a fruitless half hour faffing here on the internet to see if Homebase or B&Q might stock replacement stands but it seems my best chance is to trundle off either to Sandyholm down the Clydeside, or trawl through to Lasswade to the Dobbies Garden centres and see if they might stock sic a beastie. Before I do either of these things I will be checking out our local ironmongers, Boa's, a veritable Aladdin's Cave of wonders, most likely I will get one there. Failing that I'll do a detour via Veitch's Nursery over in East Calder when I go up for the shopping and see if they have the goods. I will not be beaten!! I will put this tree up if I have to stand and hold it for the duration....... I am, of course, kidding! Or am I?
Till next time...
Sunday, 21 December 2008
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This reminds me of something Bill Bryson once wrote. Allow me to quote.
"It is at this point that you realize that you have no idea where the Christmas tree stand is. So, sighing, you hike up to the hardware store to buy another, knowing that for the next three weeks all the Christmas tree stands you have ever purchased - twenty-three in all - will spontaneously reappear into your life, mostly be dropping onto your head when you are rooting in the bottom of a cupboard, but occasionally in the middle of darkened rooms or lurking near the top of the hall stairs. If you don't know it already, know it now: Christmas tree stands are the work of the devil and they want you dead."
Thanks to me, I have found the stand. It was next to the Christmas boxes not in them.
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