Friday 7 November 2008

Crashing out as I type...

Thought I'd better stick a note or two on tonight before the weekend passes in a blur of activity and I forget. It's been a really busy week and I'm soooooo tired I could just about fall asleep standing up - not that I do, just that I could! Sat down after getting home after 8.30, to catch my breath and relax for five minutes and zoned out totally, not resurfacing until nearly 10!!!! Yet here I am still trying to pretend that I'm actually achieving something! Having a small brandy and coke instead of the ubiquitous glass of wine and then I'm off to my cozy warm snooze-pit. Even though I sat in school until I had completed major chunks of marking I still had to bring a bag of it home!! Had a meeting this afternoon and went back into school after it in order to try and leave myself a clear weekend - HA! Some hope that was! Dearly Beloved has pupils sitting a music theory exam in the morning and I'm invigilating for him - this means I have an enforced sitting down doing nothing for three hours. Nice work if you can get it, I hear you say, but when I have so much needing done I can think of at least twenty things I could be doing instead. Never mind - I have my potted panto to revamp. I'm calling it Moggie Mia and it's based on Puss In Boots. We'll be doing it as part of the Workshop Christmas Revue. It's a piece I wrote a few years ago for the school I was in and it was nicely done by the children. However, I need to make it much funnier for the workshop, and I'll be directing it of course! Hopefully I'll get enough bods turning up on Monday night to cast it and not have to be part of it myself. We'll wait and see who all turns up! Right that's sunk the last dregs of booze so I'm off t'pit. Nightie night, sleep tight and don't let those pesky bedbugs bite!!!
Till next time....


Vicky said...

Thought I'd leave you a comment because you asked me to!

Anonymous said...

then i will leave a comment too
Bye luv ya
(if you don't know who i am i am your neice, but i think that you would of had figured that out seing as you gave me my artname, which i am using on this blog.)

Vicky said...

Please ignore Sarah as she is losing it big time!

Jenny G said...

Oh Sarah... we love you but you certainly have your moments.

Alezed said...

Linda how do you do this teaching lark and have time to run a house.
Being a newly qualified teacher sucks so much!

Vicky said...

I personally think it something to do with the fact that her two daughters dealt with the house.

Linda Gillespie said...

Well, yes of course, but isn't that just part of your learning process? One day you too will have to run a house!! Anyhow,there are still lots of house things that I do, or not, as the case may be!!!! Aleks, they tell you it gets better/easier, they lie!!!