Sunday, 10 January 2010

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know it's the 10th already and most of you have forgotten about the new year and are well on the way to planning for Easter and your summer holidays but I'm determined to let the year happen slowly instead of it's usual breakneck slalom down to the 31st Dec!
Starting a three month supply job in a school in Livingston tomorrow, it's a maternity cover for a P6 class and I'm looking forward to it immensely. Well in some ways anyway, in others I'm quaking in my boots. From what I can discover this school has some different ways of working than others of my ken. they use different materials and schemes of work, which is okay, but I'm nervous about not getting up to speed when there are children who need to be getting tested on their next levels! I have been informed that it is not possible to do any photocopying or find any resources by oneself. There are two staff members who do nothing but, and all requests have to be in a wee blue book and submitted well before the event, so that means I could have a few difficulties until I get organised. As the school is open plan I'm not sure whether or not I'll be able to use music they way I usually do for settling down and doing creative work or for finishing and tidying up. No doubt I'll find out fairly quickly! I understand I have a couple of stage partners who job share the other half of the P6 class and I'm looking forward to meeting them. I've never team taught before so this is all new and will be very interesting and useful for future job applications. Yes, I'll still be looking for jobs even though I have this one. I need to be on the ball and get my fingers into any possible pie as quickly as I can as the probationers from this year will be on the lists soon too! So that'll be me competing with all the unemployed from my year and last year as well as this year! No pressure then!
The workshop is well under way and the rehearsals are going well. We will not be able to use our theatre as it will still be closed but instead will use another hall in the next village. This will be a huge learning curve for all of the production team - we'll be somewhat out of our comfort zone and have to really think about our staging and scenery. The cast are showing great promise and I think this could well be one of our best shows, it certainly has a lot of good catchy songs and that's always a bonus!
Getting asked to vacate the PC now as there is, apparently a need for someone else to use it! As there are no emails in their inbox and the IT skills are limited I suspect there may be a very basic recreational use on the cards.....
Till next time!