Thursday, 19 November 2009

All downhill from here!

Well that's the official start to the silly season. A house here in town has not only got it's Christmas tree up in the window, the lights are also on! I have, in the past, when in the throes of Panto insanity, been known to put the tree up early but I never lit it (except to check the lights worked) until into December. Those days are long past as the girls have been helping trim the tree and put up the decos for years now, but still... The street lights are up as is the town tree (and it has it's lights on too!) but they don't come on until the Christmas Shopping night on the 27th November. I like that. I love when it's chilly (but dry) and maybe even a bit of fog swirling about. It's atmospheric and gets the idea of Christmas and giving, up and running.
Otherwise it's all downhill from here as the panic over how much there is to do sets in and the ulcer develops it's own ulcer. All for the single day in the year that should be the most relaxed and loving. Sigh! I'll continue to dream...
Till next time.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Picky, picky, picky!

I thank my learned friend for reminding me that I did indeed post a vast quantity of Christmas cards without stamps last year. However, these were the hand deliver cards that ought never to have seen the outside of a pillar box, let alone the interior aspect!! You know it only takes a moment of inattention or a second of relaxed concentration and the ensuing chaos leaves a lasting trail and memory! I will be using two distinctly separate boxes for this years cards and making a point of putting the stamped cards in one and the hand deliver in the other!! Roll on! I love a challenge......
Till next time!

Monday, 16 November 2009

39 days till Christmas!

Well, sorry, but as my dear daughter took it upon herself to drop that little bombshell on my poor unsuspecting head via Twitter this morning I have been inconsolable. Therefore I decided that everyone should be just as miserable, so there!
Christmas! Crikey! How time flies when you are enjoying yourself... sorry that was a reflex reaction.... where has the year gone? As you will no doubt realise I'm still housebound, sort of, I have managed to get one day a week in a local nursery, but as it's minimum wage it's hardly setting the heather alight! Still collecting dole and still looking for that elusive job.
Not sure if I have finally contracted the horrid swine flu or not. Have had the most awful sore throat and yukky productive cough since last Wednesday but am still realatively able to function - I think if it were the real McCoy I'd be lying in a darkened room somewhere moaning quietly and wishing for oblivion. There again, I'm used to working through things like this and not being off work just because I've a 'bit of a cold' so it could be my work ethos gene is keeping me upright! Vic was off two days last week with something similar but returned to school this morning - I'm not so sure she should have been going in; it would appear that a vast number of staff and pupils are already off and maybe she should have stayed at home, but I wrote the note and sent her off! More coffee needed, excuse me........
That's better! So, what have I been up to? Not a lot obviously, the ever present mountain of laundry is slowly beginning to diminish as I tackle huge chunks of it at a time. I may even haul down some curtains before I'm done, but don't quote me! Very gradually the mess that doubles as our living space is getting sorted. The dining table has appeared like a genie and is now sitting there smugly; daring anyone to dump stuff on it's now empty surface. The Halloween boxes are re-packed and ready to put back into the loft and I have put up the extra shelving in my study and shall make headway with the school stuff tidying in the next few days. When I put the Halloween boxes up I'll bring down the Christmas cards and make a start on writing them. Hopefully I'll be able to cut down on my postage a bit this year as last year I posted over 60 cards! That's a lot of pennies when one has no wage!! The plan is to get the cards written early and go round hand delivering them wherever possible! I have started my Christmas shopping; got a couple of things last week and the week before. I spoke to two of my friends who are in much the same financial boat as I am and we have finally seen the light and agreed not to exchange gifts this year - we usually give each other wine and biscuits and give the kids money, daft when you think about it! So we will send cards and that's all that's needed! Does this mean I'm finally becoming a responsible adult who deals with things in a practical manner instead of the previous 'what the hey, it's only money' approach I used to have? Sigh! Maybe. Then again, maybe not, as I'm still on the lookout for funky stuff for the few pressies I am buying!!
I'm thinking about getting my Christmas decorations up as soon as I possibly can too! Why? Because I love all the sparkly stuff and twinkly lights! I end up rushing at the last minute to get up all my stuff and more often than not don't do half the job I want to in getting it just right. Maybe this year I'll get it done properly with all the lights arranged exactly as I like them and the cards will go up as they come in and not lie in a huge pile till after my birthday and then get flung up any old how.
Hey ho! Have to go and get the next load of stuff sorted for the machine and ironing. May you all have as much fun getting ready for Christmas as I will.
Till next time...

Monday, 26 October 2009

This is getting boring...

Why? Because I still have had no indication of there being any work at all from any quarter. Short of going out in a sandwich-board offering my services (and yes, it crossed my mind!) I have no hope of anything yet. Local Authorities have practically no jobs to speak of in any area let alone teaching, and I am now looking at trying to get a job in a local coffee shop when it opens next week - but as there are hundreds of people looking for work - the chances are slim to say the least.
Anyhooo... Biggar Little Festival drew to a conclusion last night and was I glad? Yes I was! Not because it had been boring but because it has been so busy! Biggar Shorts last Monday was frantic fun - finally managed to get a grip on most of the dialogue, but mega thanks to Gil who kept an eye on me and gave me the subtlest prompts to keep me moving through the sticky bits! Mostly Musicals on Friday was great fun! The Vaughn Williams came together at last and I think it went down well. The rest of the show was pretty good too, though the Rossini may have just slipped a bit in the last section.... however the wine was flowing after in the bar so that was all right then! In fact I found I partied a little harder than I would normally have done and the results were not happy at all. Discovered that Champagne and red wine truly do not make for a happy mix. Saturday was a bit of a washout as I was not firing on any cylinders for most of the morning. Did not dare to drive till late in the afternoon...
Not to worry, I will get back to having a glass of red eventually - perhaps just not this week....
Final barge at the theatre emptying and clearing this week and next. The last items need to be packed up and put away. Juniors Halloween party on Wednesday night then the Farewell Fling on Friday 6th November and then we're shut for the duration!
Ah me! The end of an era indeed.
Till next time....

Friday, 9 October 2009

Foiled! And I don't mean covered in silver paper!

Well they say the best laid plans gang aft agley and it is yet another truism. Decided to thrust myself into the Borders schools today to repeat the exercise of Monday and introduce myself around and hand out my card so they can contact me directly for supply. At the optimum moment a text popped up on my phone from a friend who should have been snugly at work in her Borders School Office asking if I were going to Livingston as she would accompany me if I were. At this point I realised that Borders have one day more of holiday than South Lanarkshire, who are in school today but off next week! Confused? So am I! Why can't they all take the same flippin' holidays? Then we could all plan trips and excursions with our families and so on! I've not spent October break with my girls for three years because the holidays in Lanarkshire are different to the Authority I'm working in!
Anyhoooo. As previously stated the Stane primary job is a burst, still hoping for a bite at Cleland and have spent the morning writing applications for Priorsford in Peebles and Newmains at Wishaw. From one end of the country to the other!! Just hoping I get an interview for at least one of them! In the meantime, I'm still plodding through all the job search websites I have in my favourites list in the vague and vain hope that a job I could do (perhaps not in teaching) would pop up - it would have to pay reasonably well and not be too far away, hours? Monday to Friday 9 till 5 would be perfect. well so long as it had a minimum of 15K in the paycheck..... or more..... so any of you blog browsers out there who are drawn to this blog for what ever reason, if yo have a job in need of filling let me know! All sensible suggestions considered! Dearly Beloved suggested I go and see if Tescos are hiring...... don't fret, he still is able to walk!
Off now to make a bite to eat for lunch and to study my lines for Biggar shorts, then it's a bit more ironing accompanied by Bleak Expectations (guffaw!) and then into Lanark to collect Victoria from her last day of Work Experience (maybe with a large bag of biscuits in tow!) and back here to yet more housework type stuff. Ah me! A woman's work is never done!!
Till next time...

Thursday, 8 October 2009

National Poetry Day

Today upon the radio
...I learned something I did not know.
......This day, it would appear to be,
.........Is to be filled with poetry.
............Now I've been known from time to time,
...............To pen an epic tale in rhyme,
So here upon this blog I scrawl,
...Dear reader, here I give my all!
......It's been a busy time all told
.........In job hunting I have been bold;
............Pro-active is the phrase I spake
................Whilst touting an employment break.
I went to schools and left my card
...Contacting me should not be hard.
......Supply you need? I'm on my way,
.........I'll stay all week or just the day!
............So far no interviews have come my way
...............One possible said 'no' today.
But that's okay, I'm not upset
...There will have been, I'd like to bet,
......At least four hundred folks applied,
.........And I can always say I tried
............To write a real exciting sheet
...............To make them put me on the leet.
However it was not to be
...The other job? I'll wait and see.
......Now I have to go and play
.........At housework for the rest of day.
.............I hope you have enjoyed my rhyme
................Fare thee well, until next time.......

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Oktober-festers more like...

Eugh! Weather is practically bi-polar, one day lovely and sunny, the next gale force winds and monsoon type rain. Still no work and none of my applications coming up with anything positive. Have started the rehearsals for the Juniors' show and have it cast. Now just need to sort out the dates for the performances and make sure everyone is able to be there and then it's onwards and upwards!!
Our Biggar Little Festival week is almost upon us and I'm now back against the wall trying frantically to learn songwords for Mostly Musicals and script for Biggar Shorts. No matter how much time I try to give myself for these tasks, I always end up at the last gasp, giving my ulcers, ulcers in a vain attempt to at least appear in control of the situation...
House is still like a squat - have pushed vacuum about a bit but need to get stuff shifted and either dumped or put away. I suppose I ought to have spent the time out of work getting the house sorted out, but the advent of the Corn Exchange refurbishment knocked that on the head. We have till the 7th Nov to get every stick and scrap out, either to the dump or to storage. I must say it is immensely satisfying to see the order created from the chaos it was, but I can forsee future moans and groans as people realise just how much stuff we had to get rid of. I mean we only have two storage units and we have all the lights and tech equipment still to pack up, not to mention the scenery, curtains and props. In contrast, the house will be here when I'm not!!
Have an evening service to participate in tonight so I'd best be off and get the guitar out of mothballs.. suppose I'd better cut my nails too.....
Till next time,

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Yah Boo Sucks!

There, that's just how I feel today! Getting fed up with the continuing lack of a job, but now hoping to get a crack at one or two in yet another Local Authority! Started filling in Application forms yesterday and had to stop at midnight as the eyes were giving up! Talk about complicated!! Some of the questions were sensible and straightforward and some were just evil - I don't see how you can answer the question about why you think you are suited to the job fully and then answer a question about what qualities you will bring to the job without duplicating information. They even give you a space to give any relevant further personal information that you may not have mentioned anywhere else!!!! Talk about overkill? Anyway, I have till the 14th to get the applications in so am having a short break off the brain busting to see if things clarify and gel in my brain before I go back and compose my final answers.
Missed the chance of going to Edinburgh and listening to another concert today as was in with a chance of a supply post - unfortunately I didn't have the Special Needs experience wanted.... so it's just keep on trying!
Will spend the day gathering books and old videos for a Tearfund Coffee Morning which is taking place this Saturday and in doing so will clear my lounge of stuff and generally make things neat and tidy - well that's the plan anyway!
Built my Ikea CD tower and started to fill it - blimey I have a lot of CDs! I think I may even need another one to put them all in! The DVDs are going to go onto the bookshelves that I am clearing out - so there will also be a few DVD racks going to the Coffee Morning sale unless anyone wants them - I have 4!! On that note, maybe I should go back into Twitter and make that known..... Hmmmm.........
Till next time.

Monday, 31 August 2009

And the beat goes on...

So here we are on the cusp of September and nothing changes! Still out of work and looking for supply to keep the wolf from the door. Had a very interesting experience in the local job centre where I went to 'sign on' as it were. Apparently all the National Insurance I've paid over the years is not necessarily enough to ensure my getting what folks of my generation would call 'the dole' or is currently known as 'Jobseekers Allowance'! It is a strange thing to be told that I can work up to 16 hours per week and still be entitled to this allowance, yet if I do one day as a supply teacher (7.5 hrs) I automatically become exempt as the salary for one day supply is so much more than a weeks dole! Similarly, if I do one day's supply, my claim has to be closed; ergo if I do one day supply my claim closes and I don't get any money from them but if I don't get any further work and have to go back to them, I have to start again with another claim!!! Surely this is the most ridiculous thing ever? Why can't it be sensibly dealt with? As 'Big Brother' knows all about my working career and what tax and N.I. I have paid over the years, knows where I work and for how long, then why is it so hard to compute that I'm not working and automatically pay me my unemployment benefit? Is this not a function that the wonderful computers of our era could be harnessed for? After all, there surely is very little of our lives that is not recorded somewhere, somehow.... not that I'm paranoid or anything......
More pleasant things have happened thankfully. Went into Edinburgh with the gang a week past Saturday - they went to see Amanda Palmer and I went to see 'The Time Traveller's Wife' in the pix. They had a whale of a time and I sort of enjoyed the film but perhaps would like to see it again to make some sense out of bits of it! It flies in the face of all the previously mooted theories of time travel. Any other thoughts of time travel seem to have agreed that it would not be a good thing to meet oneself as this would create a paradox, or a matter/antimatter problem, the assumptions being that the same molocules or atoms. I forget which, cannot exist in the same plane in duplicate, if you see what I mean. In this film the main protagonist not only meets himself and speaks to himself, he actively seems to manipulate or organise things that will happen, or set up cover for eventualities. Very strange, but very poignant and a bit of a weepie!! Maybe one to get out of the cheapie bin at Morrisons in six months time......
After watching the film I went down Lothian Road and sat in a pub drinking coffee - yes! Me! - and studied my script for Biggar Shorts while I waited for the boppers to return from the concert. The journey home was hilarious, hysterical at points even!! So, a good time was had by all and we slept soundly that night!
The following night Jen and I went with another friend, Alison, to see Bryn Terfyl in the Usher Hall - brilliant! What a voice the man has! I loved the music and the programme he opted to perform. We were in the organ seats and although Byn had his back to us most of the evening he turned around and sang to us a couple of times!! We even had a singalong! Not quite Kareoke but fun nonetheless. The lyrics were printed in the programme for each piece he sang, this made it so much more interesting to listen to for some reason! I think because when you listen to something you maybe don't know well or have never heard before you concentrate on the words and maybe miss out a bit on the performance. This way the words were there and one could really appreciate the full beuty of the delivery with all its dynamics and nuances! Fabulous!
So... back to the mundane and ordinary again. As I am not working it seems I am expected to tote that barge and lift that bale and get the house into a sparklingly immaculate and pristine condition, as well as complete all laundry and ironing and cook from scratch tasty and nutritious meals!! Where do they get these ideas?
Till next time....

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Time vanishes in a flurry

It's late and I'm supposed to be heading off to bed - big day tomorrow, going into town to a book signing. I'm not a particular fan of the artiste involved but the girls are keen. So it's up and at 'em and Devil take the hindmost.
Had an odd sort of holiday, with no teaching job in the offing I've been exercising my ulcer and stress muscles over the past few weeks. Have managed to get onto the supply register for Borders region and that is good, but I still have to have a disclosure check done, they can take weeks, before I can actually do any supply work. West Lothian has nothing coming up and South Lanarkshire are ditto. I've been very fortunate that friend Rosemary has given me holiday cover shifts in her bakery - I've had fun and earned a few bob but it's hot and heavy work at times - I don't know how she does it day in, day out! I'm still hoping a miracle will ocur and that I'll get a post in a school that will develop into a permanent one! But I've rabbited on about this before and so should find other things to blog about. Or even to rant about as I am wont to do in here! My most recent annoyance is that the Panto I've been working on, along with a whole production team, has been pulled. Not because it was no good, but because the refurbishment of the theatre is now actually going ahead. This is a two edged blade for me; on the one hand while I'm delighted that at last we will be getting the, well, quite frankly, desperately needed, work done on the Corn Exchange, the Workshops' autonomous use of the building will be no more. The community use of the building will see to that. While this is good for the community I see it as being a bit of a knell for the workshop, which will no longer be able to operate in the way it has done for years - putting on less well known and even experimental productions which stretched the membership and helped them grow as performers. Instead productions will need to bring in as near to capacity audiences as possible in order to pay for the hire of the theatre and so on and so forth. My pet peeve is that the rewrite I did of the Panto included topical material which will not be remotely usable next year - that's if we do it next year of course, I may get gazumped and find myself pushed out to make way for other productions... My Junior workshop show has also been affected as the theatre will not be open in time for our usual calendar slot in March. Instead we have to go into April, after the Easter holidays, which is not good, you always lose ground over a holiday and the older members are involved in the Gala and the practices for that begin immediately after the Easter hols, so it is a potentially lose/lose situation for the show. As always, I will endeavour to remain positive and upbeat, but one can only have the rug pulled out from under so often before one says "enough is enough"
It is now very well past my bedtime and so I must go and get some shuteye - I started reading a book last night and have no recollection at all of what I read, so I might just go and have another scan over it and see if anything is familiar.
Till next time.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Happy Holidays!

It's finally here! The summer holiday!! How can I contain myself?! Off up to Dornoch for a couple of weeks with the laptop, books, Nintendo, Dvds, iPod, audiobooks (thanks David!) memory sticks to sort and tidy up, scripts to rework, type up and learn respectively. Walks to take, sights to see, Torchwood to watch, sleep to catch up on, food to cook and eat, how the dickens am I supposed to fit all this into a fortnight holiday? Answers on a postcard please...
Had a lovely day in Glasgow on Tuesday - bought more stuff to read, watch and to listen to and walked the feet off - good times! Weather is being particularly good at the moment and it is making such a difference to life - the sun seems to inject one with a sunnier disposition than is normally elicited by the usual drizzle and chill we are accustomed to suffering in July!
However - wondering whether I'm going to manage to get the packing done without a major hassle. the washing maching has decided to sulk and tossed it's agitator bars out of the drum and I'm hoping for a visit from the engineer to sort it all out tomorrow. Unfortunately I can't tell when he will turn up so will have to sit tight and wait for him, and then it's a hit or miss whether he'll be able to fix it or not.
Got sight of some pretty funky drawings of proposed plans for a building I'm fond of - they look awesome and I can't wait till they become real. I have some misgivings about the operation of the building once it's been altered and the role my interested party will have to play within it, but am prepared to sit back and watch and learn before throwing my hat into the ring!
Had a rather heavy day, working in the bakery - a few shekels to subsidise the lack of gainful employment in my chosen career. It was very hot work and I'm totally cream crackered. Going off to bed now having indulged myself for a lot longer than I would normally - sitting here reading blogs and Twittering, chatting on Facebook and writing on my own blog. In between times I'm swatting an incredibly annoying fly which is bibbling about in front of my face and once I'm finished here I'm off to get the electric tennis racket and will then proceed to fry the offending insect!!
If I don't see you before I depart for Dornoch, have a great time doing whatever you'll be doing, and remember, Life is not a rehearsal, but don't do anything I wouldn't do! (Gives you plenty of scope!)
Till next time!

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Never a dull moment

It's been a while I know but I have been trying to get an awful lot of stuff done. With little success I might add!
Still on supply, still no sign of a job of my own and still no signs of there actually ever being any jobs available for us poor out of work teachers! I may have to rethink my career change and go hunting for a different one. Maybe a few shifts in the Co op each week to keep the wolf from the door. Who knows where it's all going to end up but I will not stop trying.
All things seem to be drifting to an end this month. Our favourite TV programmes (not that we watch many) are all at the season finale stage, Ashes to Ashes, Desperate Housewives and The Apprentice - all done, so to speak. We have the summer(?) to get through and then the next onslaught of stuff we like will appear. Torchwood, Dr Who and maybe one or two other things might grab our attention and we'll be hooked for another wee while!
Soon I'll be starting the next theatre things, the Juniors show and the Seniors' Panto. The music for the Panto is a truly eclectic mix with literally something for everyone! The Juniors show will be a lot of fun I think, but in both cases I need to get a bash on and get the scripts sorted out. The fortnight break up to Dornoch will provide me with a good opportunity to get things organised and brought up to speed. Laptop, scripts and a few books will see me through, will listen to music and really chill out. But before I get to that level of nirvana I'm going to have to get a grip on the house and get it shipshape and Bristol fashion! No easy task as it turns out, as the days I was expecting to have clear to catch up in look now to be filled with working days - not that I'm complaining - I'm very grateful for the work - and the wages, I just had not planned to be working the last week of term and had decided to get on with some heavy chores before the holibags in that time. Now I have to revamp and see what can be done in evenings. Got the garden, such as it is, done yesterday and will attack the ironing tonight while watching the last episode of The Apprentice. The rest will have to wait and see what time allows for.
So that's how far we are - not much further that before really but, hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Till next time,

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Once more into the breach...

Can't remember if I've used that title before...... never mind. Only another seven weeks till the summer holidays and still no word of a permanent post. However, I have two days booked off at BQ and two more weeks at the other school - possibly four, as the teacher whose P5 class I will be taking is going into hospital for a procedure I have had done myself and I don't see her getting back in two weeks - I couldn't have gone back so quickly, anyway, got two weeks definite work so that's good. Who knows, might even get up to the end of the term out of it? But I'll not be holding my breath or counting my chickens just yet.
I haven't done multicolored text in this blog at all, I used to do each paragraph a different colour in my old AOL blog.... Maybe I'll start doing it here too! I lke a bit of variety and colour about the place! So, what's new? Apart from the job thingy, not a lot. Still working my way through the bags of stuff I brought home - although I have managed to get some of it stuck up into the loft it will still need me to go up there and sort it all out into the correct boxes. I did have a wee trip to Ikea and purchased some magazine files and large cardboard cartons and am gradually filling them. Who knows, I may even get around to typing up and printing off the contents labels I am planning to make for them!!!! Have also been attacking little bits of the house and clearing out one area at a time. It's been quite good having the opportunity to have a few extra days with no-one in the house to get on get things done! I remember reading somewhere that when you have a humoungous amount to plough through you should set small targets for yourself. 'Select a shelf or a drawer or a small area and spend no more than half an hour sorting it out.' I must say I have found the positive mental glow of achievement from doing things in small bytes, as it were, is quite stimulating! I've been plodding on through the filing and sorting of the den and every so often I stop and go and do a small task somewhere else. It really does work and I commend the idea to the house!
Other things I have been doing is sorting out the prospective music for the Panto. Had a long chat with two friends who will be majorly helping in creating the music (we're recording it all at a friends' studio) and made massive inroads into the playlist. To say it will be an ecletic mix may be a bit of an understatement. Further comment will follow as we finalise and tighten up the definites and scrap the possiblys. Still haven't finished revamping the script but this has to be done in conjunction with the music as I have to set up the song in the preceding tract of dialogue otherwise it turns into a play with songs flung at it. Definitely having a Twilight scene though! No details till I have it all written as I would not like a random browser to perhaps hijack my idea.
Heard on the Radio that some lucky duck has won £110,000,000 on the Euro Lottery. Spent a pleasant half hour with a coffee contemplating what I would do with that amount of money. Suffice to say my family and friends would benefit, as would my Church and our Theatre. I know the house I'd buy - and yes, it is empty and for sale at the moment - how I would renovate and decorate it, I'd buy a small cottage nearby as well and employ and install in the cottage, a housekeeper and gardener (It's huge!) and we would absolutely have a dog!! Clearly I would not have to work but would probably do a bit of voluntary work in the local hospital or find something to fill my days other than reading, painting and playing with the dog. I'd want to learn Italian and go to Italy and see all the great art and architecture. I'd love to go Australia and America - not necessarily on the same trip! I'd love to go to Cape Town in January and experience the summer there.... all pie in the sky, but it doesn't hurt to have dreams and ambitions. Mind you, if this is what I'd like to aspire to, I suppose I'd better start buying lottery tickets...
Well that's been a bit of a post, haven't done this for a while! I must try and do this more often, but if I don't, well, perhaps it's because I don't have anything to say. Anyway, this'll do for now,

Till next time.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

There's always a reason....

Well, have now got two weeks work in this school. Have discovered why the room was as it was - an open day was meant to have happened on Thursday and the plan for the start of the week was to sort everything out and get it into place - kids helping as it's their project and the diary was going to be ad hoc to accommodate this! Fab idea and one I can accept quite wholeheartedly, knowing that plans can change in a school from hour to hour, never mind day to day, but, nonetheless we must all be very aware of Murphy and his Law, which categorically states that anythng that can got wrong will go wrong! And even if it's all going to be 'as it happens', a draft or outline plan of the intended events would keep things sweet!
This is going to be a funny old weekend - Alistair is away to Blackpool for the Accordion Championships and won't be back till Sunday night and I've got tons to get on with and yet I know there's a clearing of the dunny happening in the theatre later today (Yeah - Look at the time posted! This is when I get the computer without interruption!) Not sure I can really spend my time clearing out the theatre when I have such a midden at home to contend with. Still trying to get my school stuff sorted and put away, and it's all very well saying well just chuck it out - I will (hopefully) get a job soon and will need it all again! So I'm thinking I'll maybe phone and see who all turns up at the theatre and if they have enough bods will forgo the pleasure of raking the dunny out! Then will get some more of my stuff sorted and filed.
Need to go to bed now as feeling very, very tired and must close my eyes soon. Before I do so I will wish you all a peaceful and refreshing night and see you in the morning!
Till next time!

Monday, 20 April 2009

What a day!

Crikey Mikey! has it been a day? Yes it has and it will continue to do so until later this evening! Got a supply job this morning at a less than scintillating school (won't name names - never know who's reading!) to take a P5/6 class. First impression? My God! They've been burgled! No timetable, forward plan or weekly diary evident. Couldn't find jotters, textbooks, paper. Kids did not know which groups they were in (some didn't even know there were groups!) Some jotters were missing, there was no note of where the homework spelling was generated from, how the reading groups operated, the room was a tip and the kids were not exactly setting the heather alight with intelligence! Or enthusiasm! Sick teacher had taken the class laptop home and so I couldn't access the smartboard, couldn't access the internet, couldn't sign on as a teacher to the system, so it was all systems hang on a wee minute there, maybe you'll just have to do it the old fashioned way! Had to give the whiteboard a thorough clean tonite before I came home as it was nearly as black as the chalk boards! and I'm going in again tomorrow (with a vague chance of a few more days - it's all money!)
When you walk into another teacher's classroom and find this level of mess - nothing labelled clearly, subject books in one place , tidy shelves etc. it makes you look at your own classroom ethos. I always felt my class was not as tidy as it could have been and spent a long time trying to get it sorted. However in comparison to what I spent today in, mine was just fine. At least I had all my language and maths textboks and jotters together in labelled areas. My Forward plan was always on my desk and the diary page for the week on my desk. There is a chance I might get a few more days work in this school, if so I will have to get a large box and put all her stuff in for her to sort out when she comes back - I know I'm not the tidiest person on the planet, but I really cannot work in this kind of mess! In the meantime I must go and get a diary page photocopied up so I can leave a note of what I've done this week for her. Sorry to use this space to pour out my woes, but the teaching community is such that one really can't trash another teachers' rep. or one disnae get any other offers of work!
That said, I'm off to get something to eat and to get ready to have all the hair ripped off my legs and from under my eyebrows. Who says I don't know how to enjoy myself?
Till next time...

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Mental free fall......

This has to be the busiest two weeks holiday I've spent for many a year! Dr Who exhibition and the Zoo one week, Cinema and Nandos, room clearing, furniture shifting, shopping and trip to Edinburgh (hello again Fopp!) the next. How does one cope? Still trying to fit the quart of stuff I brought home into the pint pot that is the wee room. Making headway but only just. I can see it's going to be a fairly long process and not one that can be rushed. Trying to decide which box a folder should be put in is becoming tricky; I'm all for A Curriculum for Excellence and Cross Curricular links in teaching but it makes it really hard to know where to file things. Have more large grey crates up in loft and the plan is to put all my old Uni stuff up there where it can be accessed if needed, leaving the shelf space in the den for my current stuff. All topic specific stuff will also go up there in properly labelled boxes - I feel a trip to Ikea coming on! again, easily got at if and when needed.
Still no sign of a job or even any supply yet, mind you, the schools are still off and perhaps I shouldn't expect to hear of anything till Monday at least. Come to think of it I'll probably have to get up and be all ready to roll at the drop of a hankie if anything does come through. Can't think what I'd have to take with me apart from a packed lunch, my coffee and my mug, a notebook and my pendrives - I have a lot of stuff in them that I could use if I needed them. I've been putting wordsearches and pattern sheets into a lever arch file, maybe I should take it in the boot along with other possibly useful things in a crate, then I would have a few photocopiable resources up my sleeve to assist me. Even so, still living in hope of a permanent post coming my way sooner rather than later.
Victoria is now 15 and didn't have the best birthday she could have. The plans we had made were kind of changed when Papa decided he wanted to take her (and us) out for lunch and to the cinema. Unfortunately this didn't take place till the Monday, so, only a day late. Then he decided he didn't like Nando's, nor her choice of film, so it was a bit of a burst balloon. Anyhoo, she liked her drum mutes and made out like a bandit in the cash stakes so has plenty of dosh for buying more stuff for her drums! (Remind me - why am I encouraging this!?) There was some talk of a new camera but I think the drum kit kitting out will come first!
We are officially a 'Twilight' family; well the female contingent anyway! I've read all of the books, Jen is on the third and Vic is on the second!!! We've seen the film (yes I know, now try the stew) and enjoyed it. I know we are possibly not the target demograph but it's nice to read what I would call an 'old-fashioned' style of book. None of the usual graphic descriptions of stirring hormones getting into the swing of things with blow by blow accounts of who did what to whom and for how long. Yes it's all a bit slow and soft focus but, as I said, it makes a wee change from the in your face stuff churned out under the heading of suitable literature for pre and pubescent girls. Jaqueline Wilson books are in schools but I find them a bit overpowering and cringemaking especially for the more innocent souls who have to read them and then try to analyse and comment on them - not all children have alcoholic, tattooed Mothers or dead sisters and fathers who are absent. Real life scenarios? Not really. Oooh! A rant! That's unusual!
Ho hum, look at the time! I've been on here for ages and I'm getting aggro from the big 'un who wants to go online for yet more music! I'd better go and let her on.
Till next time!

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Thank you and good night!

Well that's me finished up at school! My maternity cover has ended and I have had to empty the cupboards and bring home all my guff. I am in awe of just exactly how much guff I had actually taken in to school and will be on the ball for my next job - certainly won't be taking as much in again! (that probably comes under the heading of famous last words) It was a sad time too 'cos I really liked my class and am sad to be leaving them - the lack of wages for the rest of the year is a mere side issue. Have had 'the letter' from the council telling me that I will be "considered for a permanent post" once all the compulsory transfers and everything else have been dealt with - which probably means that I'll still be huckling round for supply work this time next year! I have the next two weeks to get the house straightened out and hopefully cleaned before the better weather! Then I am praying I get another long term supply to take me up to the summer and with a bit of luck I may have heard about a job by then. In the interim I'm hoping that if any supply comes up in BQPS I'll get a phone call to go in. I'm planning to go back for the centenary celebration in May/June and see the gang again, but would really like to get some paid work in the meantime!
Never mind - there's always the Co op, or M & S might need staff.....
Till next time.

Monday, 30 March 2009

The end of an era...

So, this is my last week in Bellsquarry. I finish up on the 3rd and that's me done and dusted! T'other burd comes back on the Monday after the hols and I'm searching for supply work! Have put an application into other regions but so far no good. Am having to write forward plans for the returning teacher (of a sort! I don't know what she will want to be doing for the next term and so will be only creating a skeleton) I've also got the report cards to write so there go my Easter hols! The house is like the proverbial bomb site and in grave need of a good and thorough clean and tidy. What with the latent school work and the domestic stuff and the two booked off trips to places West and East in the first week of the break I don't see me wearying much! Will also be looking at my pantomime script over the break and updating it and the music contained therein. Yes, glutton for punishment that I am, I will be directing this year's festive frolic for December along with pals Mary and Rosemary, as well as continuing with the Junior Workshop who will be putting on a show in March. In between times I will be learning songs for the Mostly Musicals night in the Biggar Little Festival and learning lines for a one act play in Biggar Shorts - same festival!
Anyhoo, can't sit here gassing all night... I need to go and do stuff upstairs and then slope off ot bed for another chapter or three of my book - number three of the Twilight Quadrilogy - yes I know it's written (allegedly) for teenagers but I'm enjoying the escapism and as I'm on book three in less than two weeks I think I can safely say they're an easy read!
Till next time!

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Nearly there.....

So tonight is the last night of The King and I and Boy, Oh Boy! has it been a hard trot! I honestly had my doubts as to whether we would actually get here with any semblance of a show - fit to show a paying audience that is - and here we are. I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised at the phenomenal ability of people to find amazing reserves of energy and ability when the chips are down. Mind you I still wish, wholeheartedly, that there had been the opportunity to record every show - the outtakes reel on the finished DVD would be priceless! So there it is, done and dusted and only tonight to get through. A humungous learning curve for those of us in the Directing seats, mainly with a view to the logistics of creating a single entity out of three usually non-related groups. Lots of lessons learned. Mind you, Fiona and I did a lower profile exercise in a similar vein when we did Dream On, we combined the Juniors and Youth for that and we did a pretty good job, even if I do say so myself. I think the secret is to have people on the team who know what they are doing, and to let them do what they do best. I've been extremely fortunate to have very skilled and talented people involved with the Juniors, and, while I can have loads of ideas of how I'd like things to be/look/sound, I ask the experts and take advice! There have been times that one of my more nutty ideas has been run with and the result has been terrific, but that's all down to the people who know their stuff being willing to 'have a go' (probably just to shut me up, mind you!) and we've learned another way to do something or have another option up our sleeves for another time. We learn from each other and develop. that's how it should be. There's no point in going off with half -baked unrealistic notions, reality check at all times thank you! That said, I think that when the chips are down, the airy fairy ideas do tend to become entrenched in what is actually possible rather than the idealised aspirations they begin life as, and while this is all well and good, wouldn't it be so much easier, less stressful and altogether more sensible to start small and allow it to grow and develop organically; morphing into something wonderful, rather than a high maintenance, mega octane-fuelled bitch-fest where everybody is sick of everybody else 'knowing better'!?Ain't that the way of the world!?
Enough ranting!
Well on that particular subject anyway!
Back to the job situation; or lack thereof! Current maternity cover supply finished on 3rd April and nothing on the horizon so far. Had an interview last Monday for the previously mentioned 'some jobs in various locations in August' along with the other two hundred souls, all searching for the same Golden Ticket. Talked a mile a minute, budgie on speed, gibbering away, tryng to get all the stuff I wanted to say into the short allocated time. As a reflective practioner I have concluded that I've either talked myself into a job or out of a career! Watch this space! (no, it doesn't do tricks!) Should really have spent time filling out an on-line form for Supply in the Borders and get it in but not sure if I want to tie myself up to all points south for supply work - the cost of the petrol and the travelling time would be really detrimental.
House is looking like it wouldn't be out of place in a war zone. So it will be nice to have a bit of time to start getting it back into shape again. It'll be nice to have a chance to get the laundry completed in a reasonable length of time and to rediscover the bottom of the ironing basket! I may even reacquaint myself with the vacuum cleaner you never know! Okay, I hear you! So if the house is such a tip why am I sitting here tripe - ing this blog?
Simple, Alistair has two pupils sitting a music theory exam and I'm invigilating it! So they are sitting at either end of the dining room table and I'm sitting here writing away! Yah boo to you! I don't really watch a lot of telly - I prefer a DVD truth be told - and I'm quite looking forward to slobbing out a few evenings and watching some stuff. A friend lent me The Hogfather and I'm rather keen to see it, that and the plethora of James Bond Films that Victoria got for Christmas!
Okay, now I have to go - while I've been typing this 2 more emails have popped into my inbox. Now there are 26 to be read!!! Busy, busy, busy!
So I'll say 'tara chucks' and for those of you in the know 'Monks!'
Till next time...

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Being a busy bunny!

It has been a while since my last blog. It's not because I can't be bothered, or that I've sold my soul to Twitter, or even because I have succumbed and signed on for Facebook (still don't get it!) but because life has been terrible insistent on my playing the game and doing stuff that I said I would do. Now those chickens are coming home to roost! The Am Dram game is getting nothing short of frenetic what with all factions of the Workshop finally coming together to join up the dots in our combined production of The King and I. Not only but also have been making costumes, props and a backdrop, am now 'heid prompt' and additional singer in the chorus (from the prompt pit!) Oh it's a tight ship we run - multi-tasking like fury! Not quite having to climb into a costume and tread the boards yet, but very wary of the prospect... However, this time next week we'll have only two performances left to do and then it will be all over!!! Friends of mine with bags of practical and technical know-how, will be spitting jaggy feathers to see the back of it. Mind you, I'm hoping they'll not run away screaming too far, as I'm kind of going to want to pick their brains for my forthcoming Panto at the end of the year! (My hat is off to them - they know who they are - 'cos they've had a lot to put up with!)
All this notwithstanding, I have an interview on Monday. Before you all yahoo in deep joy and delight at the possibility that I might be getting nearer to a job, let me stop you right there - this is the bulk interview, where all the probationers from this year, all the requested transfers and all of last years probationers who didn't get a job get trotted out and looked over once again, for 'some jobs in various locations in August' As there will probably be around 200 staff chasing what might only be a dozen or so jobs, I'm not holding out much hope! Strangely enough, the Council are still advertising for Teachers to relocate to the area, with packages and money and stuff to sweeten the offer - why? Dear Lord, why? If they haven't got jobs for those of us who already there, where will they get the jobs for incoming workers?
Oh, I really think it's time I went. I'm so tired I could drop off as I type!! Maybe once the show is past I'll get back to dropping a line in a bit more often!
Till next time.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

That was the holiday that was.

Or so they would have you believe! Had Friday at the dentist, lunch with a friend and a trip to see Oliver in Motherwell, Saturday morning frantically doing the housework I should have had done on the Friday for the visitors coming. Cooked up a storm mind you! Had a pleasant enough afternoon and evening with the guests and did a humungous fry up on Sunday morning for breakfast! Toddled off to Livingston for a couple of hours and then collapsed into my bed shattered! Monday saw me back in the dentist's chair first thing and rushing from there to Lanark to drop off my impression and to catch the train to Glasgow. Met up with the gang and had a rather pleasant few hours stotting about, managed to get some really cool fabric for the dance routine in The King and I and some trimmings into the bargain. Rumbled back to the train eventually and managed to collect my dentistry in Lanark before trundling home. Alas and alack the dentistry was not a success and I have had to go back again this morning to have the work re-done and so am very conscious of a gap at the edge of my smile that may not be filled till Friday! However, this panic notwithstanding, we tripped off into Edinburgh for a change! Had a good gallop around the West End, bought some music and then sloped off along Princes Street. Was 'conned' into assisting in the purchase of a Wii Guitar Hero which pleased Victoria no end and sauntered through the Gardens to deposit music and game in car to leave hands free for other delectations and delight! Up onto Rose Street and into Cex and Fopp for a browse among the CDs (never got as far as the DVDs!) made a couple of (in my opinion) good purchases and perambulated back along Rose Street to The Filling Station. A branch of which we had eaten in in Glasgow yesterday. Good grub and great value for money, but looking at the price list, I don't think I would be terribly likely to go for a drink - £4.75 for a glass of wine a £14 for the bottle!!! From hence we clambered (some of us staggered) up the Mound and down onto the Royal Mile. After a look around the joke shop and costume shop I bought a pair of blue earrings in a wee crafty shop that I am fond of and, having established there was no-one had a burning desire to go anywhere else we strolled along to the carpark and went off to Ikea for the finale of the day. Didn't buy a thing but had a good look round and imagined what I'd like to have in the kitchen if finances would allow! Some really fab stuff in Ikea - we like it. Had a coffee and cake and roamed aimlessly through the Market place and then back to the car and home.
Back to the school tomorrow (that reminds me - I'd better go check the work clothes situation) So I'm off to bed to try and get a decent night's sleep (I live in hope!)
Till next time!

Friday, 13 February 2009

Holiday Weekend?

I should co co! Holiday? As much chance of that as there is of sprouting wings and flying. So much to do - so little time in which to do it. Friends coming up from Bury for the weekend, others descending upon us en masse on Saturday night for food and frolicsome Wii fun. And I have to go out tonight to see a production of Oliver over in Motherwell, a trip I really could do without! However, friend's daughter is in it playing the part I once played so maybe it won't be too bad. However this is not my favourite musical by any means. The King and I isn't either these days. Lots of work still to be done and the opening night is less than 4 weeks away. I get a bit annoyed when basic stuff is neglected, like what curtains we will need and where we will get them from, what lights we are going to use, and a whole plethora of other things that were discussed way back but have not actually been actioned.This, of course, is the trouble with doing things with so many chiefs. While it's not really a case of 'somebody else will do it' there is a slight tinge of 'well I said I would need it' with a large inference of 'why has nobody organised this?' I can understand the reservations the youth leader had initially (especially as a lot of them are coming home to roost) but I'll be damned if I will allow it all to crumble thereby giving her or anyone else the opportunity to say 'I told you so!'
As a result am finding myself taking on more and more bits and pieces to try and paper over the cracks that are appearing which is not good for my blood pressure. And let's not even think about the cast member who, having not been at any of my rehearsals, eventually turned up and then began asking unnecessary questions, thereby losing a good ten minutes of my precious rehearsal time! A not entirely tongue-in-cheek comment was thrown out at the first Production meeting, that the Seniors would have to up their game to be on a par with the Junior and Youth sections. Sadly this comment is an unfortunate reality. Less than four weeks to go and scripts are not learned, blocking not integrated and the pressure keeps building.
I've always been a calm sort of person but this is really pushing my buttons. Having to keep a very tight grip on the temper, fastening on the rictus smile, swallowing the antacid like sweeties and trying to get through this. And I said I would be doing the Panto this year? My God, they won't know what's hit them!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Get a load of this!!

This was sent to me by my cousin. All Mums, and indeed parents of any gender will identify with the sentiments stated herein!
Enjoy! By the way, hold no liquids in your mouth on first viewing!

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

One more late night

Can't keep doing these late nights. I really need to get an early one, one of these nights! Car is going well - a bit light on the handling but I'll get used to it. Supposed to be another dose of snow tonight but as usual it'll not materialise. I will eventually get the wee room tidied out and the junk chucked but I suspect it'll not happen on a snow day off! Friends from Bury are coming up to visit a week on Saturday and we need to get the place ship shape so this weekend will be spent doing the floors and getting the spare bedding aired - who knows, I may even burst out and wash down the skirting boards! And it's not even Spring Clean time yet! Joking apart, need to get the front windows washed, our window cleaner has not touched them since about September last year, I've done them twice with my long poled squeegee and it nearly breaks my back, but needs must and we will save pounds on the 'leckie' if I can generate some real daylight for a change!
Friend has just had a significant birthday and we are going to go out on Friday for a meal - weather permitting of course - you can almost put money on the snow arriving just in time to stuff the weekend up can't you? Hey! Maybe I could learn how to download stuff onto my ipod instead of going out!! There's a back up plan if ever I had one - chortle!! Oatcakes and cheese are singing their siren song from the kitchen.....
Till next time.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Ho Hum - so much for that!

Well the threatened snow failed to show - again! This is the second time we've all been cranked up to ninety nine with the threat of horrendous weather which has simply not arrived! Okay it's a bit slippy and icy what with the chill factors and all that but there is not the 16 inches of snow we had been promised -and that put paid to my plans for clearing out the wee room today - had to go to school instead! Never mind, the trip to Edinburgh Castle was cancelled due to inclement weather and will hopefully be rescheduled before I have to leave at Easter - I'd hate to miss the last bit of my topic. Off to look at my application form again and see how much more I can thrust into it that makes me the perfect candidate for any of the jobs that come up. (deep down I wish there could be a job in my school, but I know that's not likely.)
Still noticing the lack of blogging and the increase of tweeting going on!!
Till next time!

Monday, 2 February 2009

Winter warmers.

It's been a pretty horrid time; this past few weeks. First the car passing over and then the sad realisation that I would need to join in the bulk interviews in order to even get a sniff at a job and open up the possibility of actually having regular money coming in on a full time basis. This would then permit me to perhaps indulge myself in the purchase of a new (or new to me!) mode of transport and further facilitate my continued progress in the workforce!
In the meantime we have been out and about and looking at cars (because even though I can't afford to buy one, I still need one to get to work in!) finally settled on a Fiat Panda and once I have a job, and Jen turns seventeen and passes her test (and actually needs a car to get to Uni or wherever) then it will become her little gadabout. Credit crunch strikes again and we have had to buy it outright instead of arranging finance - so much for the banks supposedly being back in the business of giving loans! HA! So that puts a bit of a crimp in the holiday plans. Unless I can get a full time permanent job we will probably not be able to afford to go away this year. However - positive reframing tool in hand - this might not be such a bad thing, there are lots of bits and bobs needing done around the house - bits of decorating and clearing out and re-arranging that could be done over the seven weeks break. And as we plan to go over to S.A. next year it would be a good idea to get the house ship shape when we have the chance!
So.... that's a wee catch up, I'm off now to watch a movie and have a glass of red - after all it is very likely that there is to be a very heavy fall of snow tonight and I possibly won't be going to school tomorrow so it's out with the wine and chocolate and feet up in front of a DVD!
Till next time!

Friday, 23 January 2009

Bereaved and bereft.

My car has shuffled off its mortal coil and other engine parts and left me in need of new wheels but with no permanent job or sight of one this could prove to be difficult. Have a tiny little Nissan Micra as a loaner with an option to purchase at a fairly reasonable price. Downside is that I would not get my weeks' shopping in it let alone the girls and the shopping - so that's a no-no. Will be going to look at a Peugot 206 - slightly younger, not too drastic price but want to drive it about before making plans. At the same time I have been notified that I will have to apply for a job with the council again this year and go into the bulk interviews in March along with all the others in my position (and we are Legion) and this year's Probationers! All for 'some jobs in various locations from August 2009' according to the intranet page of jobs. This could be a very tight summer - no work - no money - no car - no chocolate..... sob, sob, I can't bear it, I have to go and lie down in a darkened room. Or go visit a friend and drink copious amounts of wine...... Hmmmmm.......
Gotta go.
Till next time.

Monday, 12 January 2009

A long forgotten dream...

Been back at work one week and already the hols seem like they were months ago. It's been going like a fair and tons of things are popping up all over the term and most need kick off action now! The Scottish topics are paramount - this being the Year of Homecoming, what with it being Rabbie Burns 250th anniversary. (Shamefaced I admit, I don't know if that's of his hatching or despatching!) All the scottish slang, doric and broad scots language is rearing it's Nessie like head and baffling the denizens of Primary 6! All Scottish born and bred but have no inkling of 99% of the words! Not that they are, themselves,beautiful speakers mind you, in fact some of them could do with a lot of speech therapy - it would help immensely with their dreadful spelling! If ye canny say it how de ye expect tae spell it? Then there's the football and basketball tournaments coming up in the next few weeks, a trip to Edinburgh Castle for our Jacobites topic, assemblies, Valentines Day, Mother's Day, our class enterprise Auction, Easter Celebrations, and the School centenary celebrations to prepare for in June and the rest of this term vanishes into a haze of projected pandemonium...
Meanwhile back at the ranch the rehearsals for The King and I continue apace and we have only 8 weeks left to get the whole thing pulled together. Spent time on Saturday sewing costumes and there will be more of the same this Wed and then at various intervals until they are all created and we can relax (?). Cannot rave highly enough about the team who all throw their lot into the ring and work like exceedingly hard working things for incredible lengths of time to get all these things done for the good of the children. It's hard to type with crossed fingers but I do my best!!
Feel like I could have a long sleep and wake up when it's all over but that would require being in a coma and, unless I was guaranteed significant weight-loss and a new wardrobeful of clothes to enhance said weight-loss, that's not an option.
Have finally finished watching all four seasons of Desperate Housewives and am only waiting for season 5 to come out so we can complete the collection. Can't wait for the new series to start!!!! Now we can start on the Will and Grace set that Jennifer got! Then we have the complete set of James Bond films so ironing will no longer be the boring chore it used to be! Always assuming, that is, that there is actually something for ironing - we do eventually catch up and have empty baskets for, oh, let me think, at least 6 hours!
Well the evening has frittered away and it's time I slipped off up the staircase hill to Bedfordshire. It's not this sort of fun at 6 in the morning....
Till next time,

Sunday, 4 January 2009

They think it's all over... It is now!

So that was the holiday. Two weeks of nothingness, right down the tubes, nothing accomplished, completed, finalised or any other form of closure! Well, unless you count the bottles of wine that clink emptily in the recycling and the peanut bags in the trash! Have spent too much money on stuff I don't really need, like DVDs and CDs and new trousers and jackets for work, and spent too much time slobbing out in front of the telly instead of getting things done. (The laundry is really gettting on my wick now!) And it's back to work tomorrow and the last lap of my Maternity cover supply job. I've been looking for jobs to apply for but there simply aren't any in the area. (I've decided, in a fit of devil-may-care-edness not to go for the ones up in Aberdeen - the commute is just a tad too far, especially in the winter...) I'm hoping against hope that there might be a sudden change in staff in my school and an opening appear, or that my colleague might change her mind about coming back full time and want a job share, 'cos I'd do that just to get a permanent post and a dedicated salary, however truncated. And I still have to compose my application forms for South Lanarkshire so that if a job hoves on the horizon I have the blurb ready to go, ditto West Lothian and Borders. It's a difficult thing to do, I find, to blow your own trumpet loud enough to attract attention and bag the job but not to sound totally full of it at the same time. A complex tightrope to trip along I think. So many folk have told me there will be a sudden surge in jobs in the New Year I am really concerned I will miss out if I don't get on with it! So.... as we all know, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, so that must be where I'm off to.........
Till next time,

Thursday, 1 January 2009

and a Happy New Year....

Two o'clock in the morning and here I sit trying to type correctly after a half a bottle of Baileys and three glasses of wine. No party, just a heavy session watching the second series of Desperate Housewives and having to make the very difficult decision not to start watching series three until tomorrow!! Went up to the bonfire for a short whiley and supported the Biggar Big Bang Samba Band!! It was okay but truly once you've seen/been at the bonfire you've seen/been at the bonfire and there's not much else to do once it's been lit! It's a great tourist attraction and it's great to take visitors up to watch, if you have some, mainly because they can't believe the size of it and that it's so close to the buildings, and yet nothing gets burnt down! Mind you, every year we say, " Gosh, look at the size of that! They'll never be allowed to light it at that height, the police will make them take some off." But the police never do and every year this two storey sized pile of wood, old pallets and assorted flammable crap is built in the car park in front of the Corn Exchange and set alight shortly after 9pm on Hogmany, attended by, at times over a thousand people!! It's even been on the telly!! Fun and frolic, frazzle yer front while you freeze yer bum! Ain't that the way with fires? Anyhoo, going off to bed now to have a long sleep so I can get up in the morning and watch the next series of DH before I go back to school on Monday!
To all who peruse these meanderings, a Peaceful and prosperous New Year and may it bring you all you wish for yourself, and more.
Till next time.